Developer Q&A 28 August 2021

Question: I kinda like your unique heroes, so imo it’s a share you didn’t put anylines on them. Why not dub the game like other games do?

Answer:  Thanks for asking! There’s a secret which we are eager to share with you: we will add dubbing in the next version! We have invited many talented voice artists for our heroes. Hope you will like them! We will consider publishing several pieces ofthe voice work on our Facebook Page ifour adventurers are interested.

Question: Hi devs, we need more shadow heroes, I played the game for a long time and we got some new characters from forest and wild, but no shadow. And when will the vampire guy be available since you published him on your page for so long.

Answer: We feel the same too. We’re sorry that he couldn’t meet us in the game earlier. Because of his special skills and abilities, we really need to make sure everything goes well after his official release.
More information about this Shadow faction hero will be available on our social media platforms in a few days, please stay tuned!

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