New Events
Added Event: The Fairhaven Trial!
News that the Fallen One has descended again is going around the continent. To cope with the incoming crisis, Fairhaven, the reputed mage academy town, decides to
hold a Challenge Match, hoping to shore up apprentices’ strength quick.
As the event opens, adventurers can access Trial via the homepage and find the entrance to the Fairhaven Trial.
Time: from 2021/3/30 – 2021/4/12 (UTC).
Requirement: Clear Stage 7-20.
Rewards: Gold Soul Dice, Silver Soul Dice, Draw Coupons, Beryls and Gold.
Added Event: Famine Aid.
Help victims retrieve grain seeds from the dark power and redeem rewards from Cinia.
Time: from 2021/3/30 – 2021/5/13 (UTC).
Rewards: Aristocratic Girl Cinia’s new skin [Leiston’s Light] , Aristocratic Girl Cinia, massive Gold Soul Dice and Silver Soul Dice.
Added Event: Redeem Runestone.
Intro: During the event, Redeem Runestone will be accessible in Shop. Adventurers can redeem even rarer runestones with inferior runestones.
Time: from 2021/03/30 – 2021/04/30 (UTC).
New Heroes
Added Hero:
- Puppeteer Sorsha from the Shadow Faction,
- Wilderness Shadow Manden from the Wild Faction.
New Options
Added 2 chapters:
- Chapter 27 – Rosa Dragon’s blood,
- Chapter 28 – Esme in the Dreams.
Added Invite feature, accessible on Friends page.
Added two languages: Türkçe, tiếng Việt Nam.
Bounty renamed as Hunter’s League. More new features will be unlocked.
Heroes was updated.
Another Changes
Fixed some text errors in skill description, to no detriment of the actual skill effects of the heroes:
- Undead Assassin Carlotta’s [Prance],
- Weapons Master Feng’s [Tao Supremacy],
- Dryad lone ‘s [Salvation],
- Dwarf Rifleman Aurik’s [Explosive Rounds].
Trial Adjustments
- Improved graphics of Trial Gameplay. Access Trial via the homepage and you will find Trial and the Fairhaven Trial.
- Added [Wanted Orders] available on Trial page. Adventurers can obtain more Beryls and Trial Coins from [Wanted Orders].
- Optimized some Gear/Skill Cards’ effect values.
Other Adjustments
- Max Dungeon level is now 200.
- Mantis Man Ki’Nik rather than Rock Man Sol is now VIP 14 Reward.
- Fixed the incorrect skill description of Demon Sandworm’s [Devour] at Lv.3.
- Added the entrance animation of obtaining a new character, which is subject to further optimizations.
- Adjusted the enemies’ settings and strength in some levels of Chapter 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 18 for optimized experience.
- It’s now more convenient for adventurers to recruit guild members. Guild Elites or above can edit and send guild name cards on chat page.
- The challenge of faction dungeon will be deemed having completed the mission: Challenge dungeon once in Daily Missions Fast Rewards will contribute to mission progress of clairing Collect rewards twice a day in Daily Missions.
- Levelling up Squad will be deemed having completed the mission: Level up your hero once in Daily Missions.
- Faction Dungeon will display the challenge chances of the day.
- Added Translation feature in chat to facilitate communications across countries.
- Redemption Code in Mail can be copied directly and pasted to redeem.
- Added Prologue Playback feature. You can tap avatar and find it in User Settings.
- Added redeemable hero preview for Hero Medal on Monthly Pass page.
- About Guild Leader’s auto-dismission, the prerequisite is now 15 days instead of 30 days.
- Optimized the graphics of homepage.
- Completed the optimization of graphics of battle scenes for the 2nd batch.
Future optimizations will keep going. Listed above are all the changes in our new version. In case of any question, please feel free to contact our Customer Service Team via the in-game channel or
Magnum Quest Team.