Dear Adventurers, Our server closed during UTC 2020/9/10 1:30 a.m. – 2:30 a.m. A new version (ver 1.1.0) was updated in this maintenance. After the maintenance, an in-game mail was sent to every adventurer with 1000 Dragon Shards as a compensatory gift.
Also, as redemption code is added in this new version, here is a small gift for all the players: mq2020new.
By tapping your avatar, find the button “redemption code” and use the gift code. Please note that the code will be out of date by UTC 6:59, Sep 16th. Followed are the details of the updated contents in new version. Enjoy!
In this new version (ver 1.01.50719), you’ll meet New Heroes:
- Hista, a legendary Lioness hero, from Wild faction
- Ecra, a legendary Daeling hero, from Fortress faction
We also added New Contents and Upgrade the Looks in MQ:
- Faction Dungeons are open for adventurers who had passed Stage 14-40. In Faction Dungeons, only heroes from the same faction as the dungeon can join the battle.
- An advanced arena, the Floating City Ladder, is unlocked after Stage 9-20. Adventurers who participate in the Floating City Ladder need to set 3 teams of heroes to challenge or defense. The one who wins 2 times in the 3 battles is the winner. The special shop in Floating City, Ladder Shop, is the place you can traded for better trophies by the Dragon Heart Blood you won from the arena.
- Now adventurers can refer to the Guidebook in the game to see the updated contents for each version of the game.
- In order to let adventurers to have a better experience, we redecorated the Bounty function. Now, by talking to Leah, the Bounty Hunter, who sits in the place where there is the hourglass for fast idle rewards in the main page, adventurers can choose the bounty cards to dispatch heroes. (Don’t irritate her as she is quite a woman.) In the new version, fast idle reward can be received in Quest.
- We also upgraded looks of the Dungeons, Hero page and battle line-up setting page.
There are some adjustments in current heroes:
- We have modified the expressions of skills descriptions of Legendary heroes to make them easier to understand. The effects of the skills are not affected. We’ll continuously revise the skills descriptions of other heroes in the future versions.
- For some heroes, we adjusted their displays and fixed some issues:
- Arthur, the Paladin: Details of his display in battles are modified. When Arthur is casting the ultimate skill, his shield now can be distinguished from other shields when there is more than one layer of shields in battles.
- Aeluin, the Elf Priestess: optimized the display of shield of Natural Regeneration in skill Lv2, to make it distinguished from shields from other skills.
- Naomi, Half Orc Shaman: normal attack display is optimized to be easier noticed.
- For Aurik, the Rifleman, and Gila, the Scalorean, their displays in Hero page is optimized.
- Fixed the abnormal display issue of Grom, the Ghoul, in some circumstances, when casting Bloody Raid.
- Militia: the ultimate skill attack area is optimized.
- To make new adventurers easier to play the game, Auto Battle function will be activated automatically after unlocking Stage 1-1 in the new version. ×2 battle speed function will be activated automatically after unlocking Stage 1-12 or reaching VIP2.
- Optimized the display of battles when the heroes are on the edge of the screen. Now the display will auto-fit the change in the battlefield (zoom in/zoom out, also move the camera when necessary).
- Buff icons for Boss now are displayed in Guild Boss Battle.
- We added button in Settings which can help player to decide whether to display the auto skill-cast button in battles for each hero.
- In Hero page, when tapping a piece of equipment, it is directed to equipment enhance page.
- Adjusted the attributes balance of all the Gear Sets.
- Also modified some details in Hero page.
Bug Fixed:
- Fixed the bug in Arena which adventurers will battle with a different opponent from the one he/she choose.
- Fixed the bug in Raid loading page, which in some certain circumstances, the loading process gets stuck in 95%.
- Fixed the display bug in the rewards preview page in Raid.
- Fixed the bug of Guardian Holy set which the Health Restore effect is not correctly taking effect.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Magnum Quest Support Team via .
Thank you for your understanding and support.