Questionnaire (May 2022)

Greetings adventurers!

You are invited to fill out our Questionnaire:

Remember to submit your game information at the bottom of the questionnaire, we’ll send out the participation reward of 300 Dragonshards accordingly.
Our team will carefully read your feedback and suggestions, and the development team will select 1 questionnaire to send the most valuable point prize, and randomly select 10 players to send our Giveaway gifts. (Filling in multiple times is only counted once)

Happy gaming everyone!

Reward Detail:

1 most valuable point winner:

  • Divinity Hero – Revna
  • Draw Coupons 10
  • Faction Draw Coupons 10
  • Dragonshards 3000

10 Winners:

  • Draw Coupons 10
  • Dragonshards 1000

4 thoughts on “Questionnaire (May 2022)”

  1. Personally, I love the update but hate what y’all have done with guild wars and puppets.

  2. I don’t understand why you thought it was a smart idea to nerf rewards simply because you reset the dungeons and introduced the new world map. Sure gaining the additional resources will make players rich but it’s only a one time thing. Nerfing Puppet Corps, Runes (why you’re constantly doing this I have no clue, why piss off all the top spenders?), the shop, and not even beta testing the new ‘forging’ system is inexcusable. You’re killing off your own game with dumb choices and decisions.

  3. rewards new version is very bad .guild war is a joke.what the heck is that.if they kept doing like this.everyone will uninstall this game soon.

  4. I can’t understand why you keep upsetting the user community by resetting everything in the game. Now the puppet wars lineups too? 2 thumbs down…

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