Developer Q&A 7 August 2021

Greetings adventurers, here is the 10th Developer Q&A! Recently many adventurers were really concerned about our upcoming release on iOS, especially about the login rules on both iOS and Android platforms. Hope this could help!

Pre-ordering here: you want to communicate with our developers, please leave your questions or comments under this post.

Question: When ios release official the server will be together with android? Can play same account in both?

Answer: A Firstly, as long as your game account is bound to a facebook or Google account, you can login on both iOS and Android devices, iOS users can also choose Apple account to login. Secondly, no matter which platform you choose, players on iOS and Android will be able to adventure together once our game is officially launched! So, see you brave adventurers in the Global Channel!

Question: Can you add a guild wars type function where you can team up with 2 or 3 guild members and take on teams from other guilds?

Answer: Great idea! Actually the developers have been exploring more guild features and functions for some time, and some of them are already in our development schedule. But still, it will take some time for us to accomplish and optimize new contents, so that we can give players a better experience when these ideas finally meet you in the game. We will be really appreciated if you could give us some time and patience. Of course, if you dear adventurers have any ideas and suggestions about the guild, or any other stuff in game, please feel free to comment or private message us. Also you can go to our official community platforms (Magnum Quest Discord channel, Facebook group, or VK group) and discuss it with other players.

We will always take your ideas seriously! Thank you for supporting us!

8 thoughts on “Developer Q&A 7 August 2021”

  1. Gorehound666

    Please make it available to turn off the chat censor or profanity filter or however you call the most annoying feature in the options menu in this otherwise very awesome game. For example you cannot even post guild discords in your own guild or write words like Butterfly Event cause it contains BUTT in it, i mean really? please make it happen one day! Besides that, everything is toasty.
    Thanks in advance,
    Gorehound666, Guild Master of Guild Valar Morghulis and MQ player since the beginning of the Beta Version.

  2. Are you aware that the game is dying? It’s getting boring and you will lose players if you go in this order. Needs more events and in-game mods.

  3. More new cooler heroes, cool assassins, moire exciting hero skills. The puppeteer Sorsha needs revamp, she’s more like a tank than dealer.

  4. Hey, this game is awesome for our ‘app clan’ we have clans in every type of games. We are waiting for some news, some fixes, something interesting to do, we are waiting for more and more, guys. WE PRETEND MORE EVENTS!! MORE THINGS TO BUY IN GAME! WE NEED IT!
    You are doing great, you are on the right way (do not take the way of Raid:Shadow legends, their last upgrade was just a shit). Hope in your progress.
    Kisses and hugs from Italy. BigParty guild

  5. guild wars? Oh no…total crap, controlled by whales. Soo borig..every games has this. Completly unnesccessary. Worong direction guys…

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