Developer Q&A 4 June 2021

Question: Do you consider to add wish list in the game?

Answer: Sure! With more heroes coming to the Armuda Continent, we’ll definitely consider the function to increase the chance for adventurers’ favourite heroes and to improve the summoning experience.
Actually, we are already planning this function. Also, in order to make the wish list more interesting, we may add some unexpected elements in it. But please be patient as this may cost some time. Hopefully, it will be online in recent updates. So, you can now start adding heroes into your wish list and wait for the good news!

Question: When are we going to have the ability to lock heroes? Cannot wait to lock my favourite heroes in case they are used as food by mistake.

Answer: The function is online with the new 1.7 version!
If you look closer in a hero’s page, you will find a little lock on the northeast corner of the interface. Click the lock then the hero will be locked up in the ascension interface. In that way, your favourite heroes will not be used as food by mistake! Also, if you want to unlock the hero, just click again the little lock.

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