Ouestion: Will hero skins that are no longer sold come back at any point? And if so, when?
Answer: We have received a lot of feedback from players wishing to buy previously available hero skins, and we’re happy that they are so popular! Come closer, and let me tell you a secret: we are currently working on even more hero skins as well as a mystery shop! So rest assured, more skins are coming in the future, and you’ll also have a chance of acquiring previously available skins in future events.
Ouestion: Could you add the ability to delete friends from Referral Friends that haven’t logged in for a long time?
Answer: We most certainly can! Many of you may have noticed that we are about to adjust the friend referral function in the upcoming server maintenance: If a friend you have invited hasn’t logged in for a long time you can unlink yourself from them. However, please do note that you may only be linked to 3 other players at the same time. Even if you unlink from a friend, and then invite a new friend, you will not be able to earn rewards you have previously already claimed. All in all, we advise you to be mindful of which friends you invite, so that you may experience the world of Magnum Quest with your closest and best friends!