Puppets War is coming soon!

Greeting adventurers! The Puppets War Magnum Quest guild event has been announced, so players should be as active as possible in their Guilds, prepare and gather all their military forces of the Hero team, because the boss fights will be hot.

Description of Puppets War Magnum Quest

The Fallen One created a large number of demonized puppets with dark magic to expand the size of armed forces. Leagues from the justice will dispatch their warriors to annihilate the puppets!

Event Duration

From UTC 2021/07/05 0:00:00 to 2021/07/07 23:59:59.


The rules ofthe event are as follows:

  1. Active guilds established before the event starts will be qualified for this event; guilds established after the event opens will not be able to participate in this event.
  2. The qualified guilds can challenge the four puppet bosses on the proper pages; The defeat of all puppet bosses will activate the final boss; When the final boss is defeated, all bosses will
    reset and level up.
  3. Player can challenge bosses once per day, twice upon clearing Stage 9-20 and thrice upon clearing Stage 14-40.
  4. For each boss killed, all Guild Members will receive a reward to be claimed in mail.
  5. At the end of the event, Ranking Rewards will be distributed as per Guild Ranking; All Guild Members in the Puppet War will receive a proper Ranking Reward to be claimed in mail; Non-
    participating Guild Members cann’ot receive this reward.
  6. [Remove Members] and [Disband] feature will be disabled on the final day and restored after the event.

Charge your Heroes to the fullest level, prepare several target teams and move towards to the goal! Guild Leaders should pay special attention to the rules of this event and take care of their players, ensure teamwork and daily attendance. Let’s wait for the Puppets War event in Magnum Quest!

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