Plane Expeditions 2022/07/07 – 2022/07/20

Greetings adventurers!

Plane Expeditions Season is coming!!! Heroes from Wild Faction are barred in this season.

Event time: UTC 2022/07/07 – 2022/07/20

Requirement: Clear Campaign 20-60

Event rewards:

  • Heroes,
  • Arcane Impression Cards,
  • Exclusive Skins,
  • Portraits,
  • Guardian’s Treasure Boxes,
  • Guardian’s Gift Boxes,
  • Purifying Stone Optional Chests,
  • Element Powder.

Event Schedule

The event will last 14 days, the first 10 days are the challenge period, all contestants can challenge each other. The last 4 days are reserved for settlements, contestants will no longer be able to challenge each other, rewards will be settled and distributed to all contestants based on their leagues and points.

Basic rules

  1. [Plane Expeditions] is a cross-server arena consisting of multiple divisions.
  2. [Plane Expeditions] has 6 leagues. You earn points when winning challenges against other adventurers and lose points when you lose the challenges. Once you have accumulated enough points, you will be promoted to a higher league.
  3. [Plane Expeditions] has rules and limitations regarding factions. Heroes from restricted factions cannot be fielded throughout the season.

Battle Rules

  1. [Plane Expeditions] employs the best-of-three mechanism. Each contestant must deploy three teams of heroes for either offense or defense. A battle is won by defeating all the heroes in the enemy team, and after three battles, the system will determine the winner based on the number of battles won. If the battle is still going on when the timer runs out, the defender is considered the winner of the battle.
  2. In [Plane Expeditions], only heroes in or above the Legendary tier can be entered to the competition. All participating heroes are leveled at 300 but their quality, gear, Runestones, Star Map, Arcane Impression Cards still count.
  3. You can field at least one and at most five heroes in each team, heroes and Arcane Impression Cards that have already been fielded cannot be fielded again in another team. 4. Each hero and Impression Card can only be fielded once in each round of challenge. 5. Heroes in trial period cannot be fielded in [Plane Expeditions].

Numbers of Challenges

  1. You are given 5 Elemental Crystals for free every day, you can use them to challenge other contestants. Once they are used up, you’ll need to purchase Elemental Crystals with Dragon Shards.
  2. The price of Elemental Crystals grows with its demand within the day. The more frequently other adventurers purchase them, the higher the price is driven. The price is reset at 00:00 UTC every day.
  3. Elemental Crystals acquired through purchases will not be reclaimed by the system when the event ends.

Ranking and Rewards

  1. Once promoted to the Legendary league, all adventurers are ranked by their total points accumulated and are no longer divided into sub leagues.
  2. The higher your league is, the more Arena Tokens (Black Silver) you earn. You can purchase various items with Black Silver in the Plane Shop. Black Silver acquired during the event will not be reclaimed by the system when the event is over.
  3. During the event, rewards will be settled every day based on your league and distributed to you via mails.
  4. During the event, you may claim certain rewards manually based on your cumulative challenges throughout the day. If the rewards are not claimed in time, they will be distributed via mails later.
  5. At the end of the season, the top 200 contestants ranked by total points in and above the GLORY-III league are entitled to the ranked rewards. The rewards will be distributed via mails.

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