“If only you knew” Event

Here is a letter from the Armuda Continent

To Brave adventurer,
How’s it going?
Since you arrived on the Armuda Continent, we have had so much wonderful time together. There was a time when you were staring at the golden dice waiting for someone who will join and power your team, did you still remember that kind of excitement? Ah, so many precious memories.
Now that we meet here, why not sit down, have a rest, enjoy a cup of coffee while sharing your stories with us.

Best regards,
Your Squad

Event: If only you knew
If you have a magic drifting bottle, it can draft across the unknown water carrying your letter to the one you want to talk with, which female hero would you like to write to? Hearing from you on this special day must be a big surprise for them, let’s try it!

What, so many thoughts in your mind that you hesitated about who you really want to choose on the Armuda Continent, why not think about who inspired you during your adventure life? Who helped the most? Whose story touched you deeply? Who’s the strongest female hero on your squad?

From UTC 2022/03/08 to 2022/03/10 (The actual time is subject to the closing of the channel.)

Every Participant will get:
Dragonshard ★ 300 ;

Popularity Award
Dragonshard ★ 1000 ;
A Large Pile of Hero XP Scrolls (six-hour) ★ 5 ;
Silver Soul Dice ★ 120

How to participate: Please check this message in if-only-you-knew :

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