Rose Guide
Rose Magnum Quest appeared in the game at the end of January 2022. Many players (fans of MOBA games) have drawn an analogy with Miss Fortune from League of Legends. Indeed, outwardly the characters are very similar, especially the hat and two pistols in their hands.
Rose is an agility hero who is great at dealing damage and debuffing opponents. She can throw grenades that slow down enemies and deal damage, as well as put marks on targets that help with their killing.
The Star Map should be leveled into offensive characteristics.
Phantom Shark [Lv.3]
Rose summons a phantom shark to attack an enemy target, dealing 250% ATK damage to it.
LV2: The phantom shark deals 4 times the damage to targets suffering the [suffocate] effect and resets the effect’s timer.
LV3: The damage dealt by the phantom shark increases to 300% ATK.
Suffocating Assault [Lv.4]
Rose launches a sudden strike upon the closest enemy target, deals 120% ATK damage to it, and blinks back to her original position. She is immune to all control effects while this skill is active. If the target isn’t marked before the attack, Rose marks it when the attack is complete. The mark stays on the target until it’s defeated. Rose priorities the enemy bearing the mark as the target of this skill.
LV2: After the sudden strike, Rose inflicts the [suffocate] effect upon the target for 10 seconds. When an ally attacks an enemy suffering the [suffocate] effect, the ally’s CRIT RATE is raised by 15% and the enemy loses 20 points of ENERGY.
LV3: The damage dealt increases to 160% ATK.
LV4: When an ally attacks an enemy suffering the [suffocate] effect, the ally’s CRIT RATE is raised by 30% and the enemy loses 40 points of ENERGY.
Mystic Sea Fog [Lv.3]
Rose throws a grenade at a target, dealing 150% ATK damage. The grenade also creates a patch of fog around the target for 12 seconds, which deals 50% ATK damage to all enemies in the fog every 2 seconds.
LV2: All enemies in the fog lose 30 points of HST.
LV3: The damage dealt by the grenade increases to 200% ATK, the damage dealt by the fog increases to 70% ATK every 2 seconds.
No Place to Hide [Lv.3]
When Rose’s basic attack lands a hit on an enemy target bearing the mark, it creates an explosion which deals 30% ATK damage to the target and steals 10 points of its ENERGY for Rose.
LV2: The damage dealt by the explosion increases to 50% ATK, and the amount of ENERGY stolen increases to 20 points.
LV3: If the target bearing the mark is defeated by any means, Rose’s ATK is permanently raised by 10%.
Rose is an excellent damage dealer and debuffer, so she needs to level up the attack branch in the Starmap.
We give universal recommendations on attributes and skills for a hero. For example, if you already have a 50% chance of crit, then you should choose another characteristic in the branch of the Starmap.
Starmap Calculator
Refresh the page to reset the attributes.
Rose was a notorious pirate wandering the Deep Blue Waters. Her dual pistols never missed a shot, and her raids on the high seas were silent but deadly. Nothing on a ship would survive her raid, even the last grain of crops would be picked clean – like a carcass feasted upon by the ravens. As time went by, she became remembered as <Blood Raven>, while her true name had been forgotten by most. Any merchant fleet passing through the Deep Blue Waters had to bring some treasures along, just so she might spare their lives. Rose was killed when contesting over the Black Dragon Treasures, but none had expected her return in such an inconceivable form
Before death, Rose had pale skin even the sun couldn’t darken. She liked to laugh, but her laughter was perceived as the final display of tenderness by Death, usually accompanied by chills down the spine. After she returned, her skin carries an unnerving greenish undertone. She still carries that smile, which doesn’t seem to have changed much.
The Deep Blue Waters host numerous key trading routes interconnecting multiple renowned trading cites, whose allied navies used to patrol these waters and guard the trading routes. But as the cities grew weary of one another over the uneven distribution of wealth, the allied forces gradually fell apart – and that’s when Rose seized the opportunity, and her enterprise began to rise.
Already demoralized and without unified command, the allied navies were crushed and banished from the seas by Rose’s fleet. She then made short work of her competitors and soon took control of the entire area.
The trading cities tried to restore their sovereignty over the seas, but none was willing to risk their own interests over the common good. And before long, Rose became the sole, uncontested ruler of the Deep Blue Waters.
As the reputation of <Blood Raven> spread far and wide across the seas, on one of her <hunting trips>, Rose stumbled across a parchment, which told of an old legend popular amongst sailors of all generations: the legend of treasures hoarded by a black dragon. The crude map drawn on the back of the parchment pointed to an uncharted location Rose had never seen.
As the legend goes, there lived an avaricious black dragon in the past eon, who had amassed treasures in sums beyond imagination, and before departing Armada, he hid the treasures in the depth of the seas. It was not uncommon amongst the pirates to dream of finding such treasures, and Rose was no exception.
When her henchman warned her that the Black Dragon Treasures were cursed, that none of those who tried to obtain it ended well, Rose paid no heed. She sailed out of the Deep Blue Waters and found the small isle marked on the map. She had spotted another pirate fleet by the shore, the henchman warned her yet again, and yet again, she paid no heed. She failed those pirates into a cavern and was ready to strike from the shadows once they found the treasures.
What she didn’t expect, unfortunately, was that the hunter was indeed the hunted. Rose had walked into an elaborate trap.
Long jaded by Rose’s reign, the pirates had been eyeing her position and seeking to take over the seas. Cunning as Rose was, they never had the chance – until the genuine parchment marking the location of the Black Dragon Treasures showed up. Only the real deal could lure her into a trap. The pirates altered the map on the parchment and set everything up so Rose could <stumble across> it. They lured her away from the Deep Blue Waters and were waiting to end her legend of invincibility on a remote, uncharted isle.
That night, completely unprepared and unguarded, Rose walked into the ambush. After losing one eye in the brutal fight, she managed to push back her foes and retreated to the shore, only to be greeted by the hollowness of the sea – her ship was gone. It was until that moment she realized her henchman had always been part of the conspiracy. She fought to exhaustion and were eventually slashed to death by a wild barrage of blades, and her lonesome body was discarded on a rock by the shore.
On her last breath, as Rose saw her blood streaming into the sea, she prayed to the evil gods of the ocean. She offered her heart and soul in exchange for a chance to live on, and the ocean answered her prayer. The next morning, as the first light began to warm the rocks, Rose stood back on her feet. She put her hand on her chest and felt nothing beating within.
She has now returned to the Deep Blue Waters, and Blood Raven has sworn to reclaim everything that was taken from her.