Aurik Guide
Dwarf Shooter Aurik Magnum Quest is the most famous ale lover in the entire Armuda continent. He has good AOE damage with the ability to strong debuffs to enemies. Also, his normal attacks can interrupt the enemy’s ultimate, which is very useful in difficult battles, the main thing is to correctly position him for the attack. If Aurik drinks ale in battle, he will receive a increase in speed, damage, and also crit chance.
The character is slightly above average, so you can put him in the team, in the absence of the best candidates.
Update 12/16/2021:
- Star Map Skill “Shiny Armor [Ultimate]” is replaced with “Mind of Resistance [Advanced]”
Explosive Rounds [Lv.3]
Aurik fires an explosive round, which deals 240% ATTACK damage to the target and its surrounding allies
LV2 (101 lvl): The explosive round reduces enemies’ HASTE by 45 points and inflicts the [burn] effect, which deals 80% ATTACK damage per second for 5 seconds
LV3 (201 lvl): Initial damage increases to 270% ATTACK, the [burn] effect damage increases to 100% ATTACK per second
Toast [Lv.4]
Aurik downs a cup of hard liquor, which gains him 30 points of HASTE and 25% of ATTACK for 8 seconds
LV2 (26 lvl): The HASTE buff increases to 45 points, and the ATTACK buff increases to 35%
LV3 (126 lvl): Aurik also gains 30 points of CRITICAL HIT
LV4 (226 lvl): The CRITICAL HIT buff increases to 45 points
Smoke Screen [Lv.3]
Aurik throws his pipe in the air and smashes it with a bullet, all enemies in the affected area lose 60 points of ACCURACY for 6 seconds
LV2 (151 lvl): All affected enemies also lose 35 points of Energy per second
LV3 (251 lvl): All affected enemies lose 70 points of ACCURACY, the duration of the effects increases to 8 seconds
Headshot [Lv.3]
Aurik’s normal attacks have a 30% chance to deal 140% ATTACK damage to the enemy and interrupt target’s activities
LV2 (176 lvl): The damage dealt increases to 160% ATTACK
LV3 (276 lvl): The chance increases to 45%
Aurik is an excellent single target damage hero. Therefore, he is considered a good choice on bosses.
The main attributes for it are ATK, CRIT, HST, HIT.
We give universal recommendations on attributes and skills for a hero. For example, if you already have a 50% chance of crit, then you should choose another characteristic in the branch of the Starmap.
Starmap Calculator
Refresh the page to reset the attributes.
Aurik is a dwarf, last in a long bloodline of the dwarven royal family. The Dwarf Kingdom was once a thriving community and home to Aurik. Tragically, many of its people were slaughtered in a defensive war against an invading army. Aurik was one of a small number of survivors, and the war took a heavy toll on his health. As the years went by, he moved on from the kingdom to settle and live a more peaceful life in the town of Aurelia. However, after yet another tragic massacre, Aurik took up his firelock rifle once again.
Aurik holds the physical charms of most dwarves, fit with a huge nose covering most of his face and a long, plaited beard that hangs to his waist. He’s stubborn, of course, and his long life has given him some peculiar unexplained habits. For example, he only eats fresh rye bread from local bakeries for breakfast. Healthy also only drinks from the single wooden cup he always carries with him, something that goes hand-in-hand with his alcoholism.
Aurik wears ancestral armor from his home kingdom. It’s white with black accents, and he always keeps it shined and polished.
The Dwarf Kingdom used to be the most prosperous civilization on the face of the Armada continent. It posssessed assets and treasures unimaginable to other races. Many of those treasures were lost during the orc invasion several hundred years ago. Aurik participated in the famous battle against the orcs. The enemy was defeated, but at an enormous cost. Aurik, covered in blood and heavily traumatized, crawled out from a pile of dead bodies.
Only after the war did the Dwarf Kingdom discover its true greed. With so few treasures left, the remaining dwarves became obsessed with their own possessions. They may have won the war outside their walls, but not the one inside their hearts. Many treasures were stolen by opportunists and finally, the mine holding gold and magic metal was sealed shut by a selfish curse. Only someone of royal blood can break the curse and re-open the mine.
Tired of the greed and wanting to find peace after his trauma, Aurik fled the Dwarf Kingdom. After months of travel, he decided to settle down in the remote town of Eurelia. He concealed his identity and opened a blacksmithing forge. With his unparalleled craftsmanship, he made a success of the business. After roughly a hundred years in Eurelia, he developed a calm and prosperous life. He occasionally talked about battle, and the gold mine, when he got drunk at the pub, a new favorite pastime of his. Neighbors thought of him as a charming and weird old dwarf, and they often laughed at his antics and silly quirks.
As time went on, disaster inevitably struck Eurelia. Monsters crept in from the east in the dead of night and mercilessly devoured unarmed civilians. Aurik took out his long-stored firelock, put on his armor, and led the people in a counterattack against the monsters. The monsters’ reign of terror was ended. The remaining creatures fled, but the town was devastated, and casualties were heavy.
Aurik grew suspicious of the monsters. As horrendous as they were, it seemed they were almost looking for something as they tore through walls and dug up floorboards. With many of them fleeing, he wanted to know where they came from to ensure Eurelia’s safety. He closed his blacksmith forge and distributed most of his wealth to the local residents as a farewell to his hundred-year sliver of peace. He then departed Eurelia in a quest to find the monsters’ origins.
During his investigation, Aurik found other people attempting to uncover the truth behind other odd events in Armuda. It appeared that there was a bigger plot behind the monsters’ attack. Aurik decided to travel alongside these other truth-seekers and form an adventuring party, one which included Rennes, a wizard apprentice from a distant hamlet. The two traveled together for quite some time and bonded over their triumphs in battles.
Slowly, the party realized those who sought out the truth of the monsters were being killed. Just when Rennes thought he was getting close, he too was slain in the night. With his final breath, he shared a shocking secret with his party. He revealed to them a mysterious token, one which he claimed held the answers they needed. He said they must rush the token to the former home of elves before it was too late. If they didn’t reach the elves before the end of their Summit Council, the token would be useless against the growing threat. As such, Rennes divided the token into five pieces and handed one to each member of the party. He urged them to hurry and take different routes, just in case one proved too dangerous.
The road to the elves was long and winding. Aurik realized his party wouldn’t make the Summit Council in time unless they climbed over the Glacier’s Backbone, a treacherous mountain peak. Not only was the path crumbling, but the mountains were swarming with savage snow bears. No one had ever crossed the mountain alive, making the task nearly impossible. At that point, the party divided, and only Aurik braved the mountain. Somehow, Aurik added a new legend to his name by surviving. He entered the Summit Council before its conclusion wearing the skin of a snow bear. He had entered alone, but Aurik had succeeded in delivering an important token that would forever change history.
Legend has it that after delivering his message, Aurik left the elves’ Summit Council.